Charlie King!

Ship in the Sky and The Senseless Laughter of Whales Digital Albums



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Digital Download Files.
There are downloadable files associated with this product...

  1. Bridget Evans.mp3
  2. Charlie Armadillo.mp3
  3. Did You Find a Red Yoyo.mp3
  4. Hey Little Ant.mp3
  5. How Aaron Got His Cat.mp3
  6. I Can't Find My Pajamas.mp3
  7. Let Us Come In.mp3
  8. Lonnie Smith & Annie Jones.mp3
  9. My Daddy Flies a Ship in the Sky.mp3
  10. Nine Gold Medals (A True Story).mp3
  11. Nothing Happened Last Night.mp3
  12. Sing Mandela Free (1).mp3
  13. Some Windows.mp3
  14. The Lonely Raven (feat. Susan Lewis & Janet Stecher).mp3
  15. The Sloth.mp3
  16. The Sunrise on Carawan Hill (feat. Janet Stecher).mp3
  17. What Does the Tooth Fairy Do With My Teeth.mp3
  18. Where Have All the Flowers Gone (feat. E and Z Kalacheva).mp3
  19. Where is the Manatee.mp3
  20. Would You Like Some Coffee Tea.mp3

Appears in: Digital Albums

Ship In The Sky w/ Nell McGloin-King

1. How Aaron Got His Cat

2. I Can’t Find My Pajamas by Dave Gordon

3. Would You Like Some CoffeeTea

4. Where Is The Manatee

5. My Daddy Flies a Ship In The Sky

6. Did You Find A Red Yoyo

7. What Does The Tooth Fairy Do With My Teeth

8. Hey Little Ant by Phil and Hannah Hoose 

9. Charlie Armadillo

10. Sing Mandela Free


The Senseless Laughter Of Whales w/ Sally Rogers

1. Nothing Happened Last Night by Dave Gordon

2. The Sloth

3. The Lonely Raven

4. Lonnie Smith & Annie Jones

5. Where Have All The Flowers Gone

6. The Sunrise On Carawan Hill

7. Bridget Evans

8. Some Windows

9. Nine Gold Medals (A True Story)

10. Let Us Come In