Charlie King!

Lyrics for ... On the Journey (CD)



© 2004 Charlie King Pied Asp Music (BMI)

CHO: Are you ready for a better way to be?
There's an answer swinging in our family tree
Everybody lives more fully when there isn't any bully
If Baboons can work it out then so can we

Act one, a culinary bungle in the wilds of Kenya
A tourist camp there in the jungle serves a toxic menu
They throw their garbage in a heap, the Alpha Baboon males compete
The prize they win is poison meat, they die like Alpha men do (CHO)

Act two, the female ratio doubles in the ape assembly
Surviving males who want no trouble take their places humbly
Instead of dominance and subjection, mutual grooming! Group affection!
It's the natural selection for this Baboon family (CHO)

Act three, now twenty years have passed, they're still cooperating
New males arrive, they're learning fast: "No fighting, we're all dating!"
Stress is lower. Hearts are stronger. Loving more and living longer.
Hop in line and join the conga, time for celebrating

Now a human bully's harder to defeat
I mean, you can't just send the White House poison meat!
But you can vote, sign a petition, organize a coalition
Hey hey! Ho ho! We say Rumsfeld's got to go!

'Cuz everybody lives more fully when there isn't any bully
If Baboons can work it out then so can…
Bush and Cheney? What a quandary, better put your trust in Gandhi
If Baboons can work it out then so can…
Popeye's eating all that spinach, shoulda voted for Kucinich
If Baboons can work it out then so can…
Him & her and you & me, as smart as any chimpanzee
If Baboons can work it out then so can we

© 1998 Roy Zimmerman Watunes (BMI)
See lyric on Roy's website

© 2004 Charlie King Pied Asp Music (BMI)

Martin said to the Man "Why, Man, why?"
Martin said to the Man "Who's the fool now?
Martin said to the Man "It's a bitter cup that we must drain
Now at last, Crooked Man, who's the fool now?"

I saw a bleak and barren shore...
I saw a bleak and barren shore, all the young sent off to war…

I saw a school gone to hell…
I saw a school gone to hell and all the prisons doing well…

I saw the snow stained with oil...
I saw the snow stained with oil, the snow cap melts, the forest spoiled…

I saw a flag stained with blood…
I saw a flag stained with blood, torn and trampled in the mud...

I saw a nation stand alone…
I saw a nation stand alone, undervalued, overthrown…

Martin said to the Man "Why, Man, why?"
Martin said to the Man "Who's the fool now?
Martin said to the Man "It's a bitter cup that we must drain
Now at last, Crooked Man, who's the fool now?"

Music: © 1942 Louiguy Words: Divishti Rankin/Bob Bossin/Karen Brandow

Paté escargot soup de jour café au lait coiffure alouette formidable
Parlez-vous Marcel Marceau Pierre Elliot Trudeau la fleur Les Miserables
Gendarme agent provocateur eau de toilet voyeur s'il vous plait déjà vu, déjà vu
Croissant bidet ménage a trois la Marseilles quiche Mardi Gras
Bon voyage Jacques Cousteau bonjour Francois Truffaut, Brigitte Bardot

© 2004 Rick Burkhardt
See lyric on Prince Myskins website

© 1983 Charlie King Pied Asp Music (BMI)

Silently marching in ragged formation
Winding in wheelchairs to the cadence of canes
Making their way past the half-empty viewing stand
A solemn procession on one last campaign
Fifty-eight thousand names etched in black granite
Are calling in grim monotone
To the stern soldiers seeking an end to their journey
They've been trying for years to come home

Come home, come home You who are weary come home
Home from the long-ago far away battlefield
Home from the nightmares, the flashbacks to hell
Home from the psycho wards, the scag shooting galleries
Home from the death rows and the dark prison cells
Home to a country in need of a healing We're waiting for you to come home

Jimmy Mahoney served his hitch in the Navy
Sat up late last night, wrote these words on a sign
"No more wars. No more lies. No more memorials."
Wears it around his neck marching in line.
A Vietnam Mariner carries his albatross Telling his tale to atone
For the sins of a nation that seems to have lost its way.
Jimmy: can you take us back home?

Come home, come home You who are weary come home.
Home from the battlefields where we still fight today.
Home from the bottomless, treacherous mud.
Home from the oilfields, the coffee plantations
Home from the diamond mines glistening with blood.
Home to a nation in need of redemption Tryin' to find a way home.

Down at the monument tolling the alphabet
Faces reflecting in the dark polished stone.
Hoping you can't find the names that you know are there
Names of the friends who can never come home.
And though no one speaks of it, searching the list of names
You can't help but look for your own.
And when you don't find it, you turn away silently, Time to be heading back home.

Come home, come home. You who are weary come home
Home to a country in need of a healing. We're waiting for you to come home.

© 1967 Pete Seeger Cromwell Music, Inc.

It was back in 1942, I was a member of a good platoon
Out on manoeuvres in Louisiana one night by the light of the moon
The Captain told us to ford the river, that's how it all began
We were knee deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool said to push on

The Sergeant said, Sir, are you sure this is the way back to base
Sergeant go on I forded this river not a mile above this place
It'll be a little soggy but keep on slogging, we'll soon be on dry ground
We were waist deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool said to push on

The Sergeant said, sir, with all this equipment no man will be able to swim
Sergeant, don't be a nervous nellie, the Captain said to him
All we need is a little determination, men follow me - I'll lead on
And we were neck deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool said to push on

All of a sudden the moon clouded over, and we heard a gurgling cry
A few seconds later the Captain's helmet was all that floated by
The Sergeant shouted, Turn around, men, I'm in charge from now on
And we just made it out of the Big Muddy with the Captain dead and gone

I ain't gonne point any moral you can do that for yourself
Maybe you're still walking, maybe you're still talking, maybe you'd like to keep your health
But every time I read the paper that old feeling comes on
We are waist deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool says to push on

Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool says to push on
Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool says to push on
Waist deep, neck deep, even a tall man be over his head
We're waist deep in the Big Muddy, and the big fool says, push on

Lyrics © 2005 Charlie King Pied Asp Music (BMI)
Music: © John McCutcheon, Appalsongs (ASCAP)

I'm getting out of the passing lane, I'm gonna drive the limit
Gimme one good reason to maintain more than a mile a minute
Chasing deadlines someone fed me grip the wheel and floor the pedal. Hey!
Life's too short and oil's too deadly, I wanna take it slow

I'm getting off of the Interstate, I'm gonna drive the parkway.
Watch the trees instead of billboards, shun the Golden Archway
Highway fumes blow dark and swirly, road rage drivers make me surly
I'm gonna leave a half hour early, I wanna take it slow

I wanna get me a better car if I can find the bucks
I want a less voracious car, 'cuz I think this car sucks
First it sucks the gas tank dry, then it fouls the clear blue sky
Guess I could drive it 'til I die, but I want a better car

Birds and bees and flowers and trees'll thank me for a car less lethal
Hybrid, grease car, bio-diesel, I want a gentler car

I'm getting out of the drivers seat, I'm gonna ride the trolley
Wise men walk where fuels rush in, fossil fuels are folly
Green house gases vaporizin', icebergs meltin', oceans risin'
Startin' wars and spewin' poison, I'm gonna take the train

You support our troops with a stick on ribbon, who am I to scoff?
Just slap it over your gas cap, Friend, and never peel it off!

I'm getting out of these metal boxes, I'm gonna ride my bike
Breathe the air and smell the flowers, I'm gonna take a hike
I'm gonna move to some sweet town where you can walk to get around
Growing up and slowing down, I'm gonna take a walk

© 1982 Dave Gordon

It's been a long time since morning and I've been working so hard,
Building a tree house, in my Uncle Ben's yard.
I'm getting tired and sleepy, and my turtle's been fed,
But I can't find my pajamas, so how can I go to bed?

I looked under the table, I looked under the chair,
I looked in the oven, and in our old Frigidaire
I even looked in the bathroom for a clue or a sign.
Pardon me if I shout, how can I sleep without, those pajamas, of mine.

Oh my pillow's so fluffy, and the sheets soft and clean.
After spending the morning in the washing machine. (Do you know what I mean?)
But I can't find my pajamas and it's a great tragedy,
How can I say goodnight, I can't turn out the light, till they're covering me.

Were they taken by pirates? Did they fly off with geese?
Should I look up the chimney? Should I call the police?
Were they eaten by leopards who are licking their chops?
They were my favorite pair, now I've nothing to wear neither bottoms nor tops.

Wait, mom found my pajamas, a happy end to my song.
They were there in the closet, folded where they belong. (Now I'm comin' on strong!)
From now on I won't throw them, I will fold them instead,
Now if I can find my red toothbrush, I can hurry to bed.

New words © 2004 Charlie King
Music © 1970 Cat Stevens EMI April Music Inc.

CHO: I'm being followed by a goon squad, a goon squad, a goon squad, oh
Sneakin' & peekin' it's a goon squad, a goon squad, a goon squad, oh

If I lose free assembly rights, if the Feds turn out the lights,
If I must stay home day and night If…..I won't have to walk no more
And if I ever lose free speech, I can't protest, I can't teach
Yes if I ever lose free speech If….I won't have to talk (pause) CHO

If they suspend my due process, stop my right to seek redress
If they end freedom of the press If….I won't have to think no more
And if they pull me off the plane, treat me like Saddam Hussein
Yes, if I make their list of names, If…I won't have to sing (pause)

Did it take long to find me, I asked the CIA
Did it take long to find me, and are you gonna let me stay, in the USA?

I'm being followed by a goon squad, a goon squad, a goon squad, oh
Sneakin' & peekin' it's a goon squad, a goon squad, a goon squad, oh
Goon squad, a goon squad, oh Goon squad, a goon squad, oh

© 1969/1970 Pete Seeger Sanga Music, Inc.
Spanish lyrics: Karen Brandow

Old devil time, I'm goin' ta fool you now
Old devil time, you'd like to bring me down
When I'm feeling low, my lovers gather round
And help me rise to fight you one more time

Old devil fear, you with your icy hands
Old devil fear, you'd like to freeze me cold
But when I'm sore afraid, my lovers gather round
And help me rise to fight you one more time

Old devil pain, you often pinned me down
You thought I'd cry and beg you for the end
But at that very time, my lovers gathered round
And help me rise to fight you one more time

Old devil hate, I knew you long ago
Then I found out the poison in your breath
Now when we hear your lies my lovers gather round
And help me rise to fight you one more time

No storm or fire can ever beat us down
No wind that blows but carries us further on
And you who fear, oh lovers gather round
And we can rise to sing it one more time

© Piero Sadaic Latin Copyrights Inc

Yo soy, yo soy, yo soy
Soy agua, playa, casa, cielo, planta
Soy Mar Atlántico, viento y América
Soy un montón de cosas santas, mezcladas con cosas humanas, cosas mundanas

Fui niño, cuna, teta, techo, manta
Más miedo, cuco, grito, llanto, raza
Después mezclaron las palabras
Y se escapaban las miradas, algo pasó, no entendí nada

CHO: Vamos, decime, contame todo lo que a vos te está pasando ahora
Porque si no, cuando está tu alma sola, llora
Hay que sacarlo todo afuera como la primavera
Nadie quiere que adentro algo se muera
Hablar mirándose a los ojos, sacar lo que se puede afuera
Para que adentro nazcan cosas nuevas, nuevas, nuevas

Soy pan, soy paz, soy más, soy la que está por acá
No quiero más que lo que puedas dar hoy
Hoy se te da hoy se te quita, igual que con la margarita
Igual al mar, igual la vida, la vida, la vida (CHO)


I am, I am, I am
I am water, beach, house, sky, plant
I am the Atlantic Ocean, wind and America
I am many sacred things, mixed with human things, mundane things

I was child, cradle, breast, ceiling, blanket
More fear, sweetness, crying out, tears, nerves
Then words were mixed in
And glances escaped, something happened, I didn't understand a thing

Come on, speak to me, tell me what's going on with you now
If not, when your soul is alone it will cry
You have to bring everything outside, like the springtime
No one wants something to die inside
Speak, looking each other in the eyes, bring out what you can
So that new things can be born inside

I am bread, I am peace, I am more, I am the one who is here
I want nothing more than what you are able to give today
Today something is given to you, today something is taken from you
Just like the pearl, like the sea, like life, life, life

© 1983 Harmony Grisman
Spanish lyrics: Paulette Meier, Karen Brandow

Break 'em on down; Break 'em on down. Break 'em on down, these walls between us.
Break 'em on down; break 'em on down these walls between us.
Break 'em on down; Break 'em on down, these walls, these walls, these walls between us!
Tumba las, tumba las, las murallas entre nosotros.
Tumba las, las murallas entre nosotros.
Tumba las, tumba las murallas, murallas entre nosotros

Scope Session (Type JEE)
Entries: 11