Karen Brandow passed away peacefully on Oct. 26, 2014 at the age of 60 at home in Shelburne Falls MA. She was born in Philadelphia in 1954 and spent most of her adult life in Western Massachusetts and in Guatemala. She devoted her life to making this world a better place through her singing, counseling, and Spanish interpreting.
Karen was a loving partner to Charlie King, a devoted daughter, and a loyal friend whose calm presence was appreciated by her community and supported by her Buddhist practice. She was grateful for all of the blessings and privileges of her life which she attempted to use to be of service to others. She died as she lived: making conscious choices about medical treatment based on her most deeply held values.
She wishes to be remembered for adding in her “grain of sand” to the ongoing search for peace and justice in this world. She asks that anyone wishing to honor her memory make a donation in her name to The Innocence Project in New York, 40 Worth Street, Suite 701, New York, NY 10013 or to Christian Peacemaker Teams, Box 6508 • Chicago, IL 60680-6508. A memorial service will be held at 2 PM December 20th at Trinity Church, 17 Severance St., Shelburne Falls MA.
Posted: to General News on Sat, Nov 8, 2014
Updated: Fri, Jun 5, 2015